Under one sky


Space and Nature Aruba Foundation ta set-up un Poster presentation na biblioteca na Playa y ta invita pueblo henter pa pasa wak e bunita potretnan di espacio. E exposicion ta habri di dia 19 di juli pa dia 2 di augustus. Esaki pa duna mas informacion di Astronomia moderno y e desaroyonan di nos conocimento di espacio y su implicacionnan pa mundo. Esaki den cuadro di e celebracion di 100 aña di Astronomia moderno y tambe pa celebra cu 50 aña pasa e prome austronautanan a cana riba planeta luna.

E poster gallery ta habri durante orario di biblioteca na Playa den vakantie grandi di 8or pa 5or di atardi y diaranson te 7or di anochi.

Space and Nature Aruba Foundation su meta ta pa trece Astronomia y e sciencia di Naturalesa cerca di nos tur pa medio di educacion, investigacion y eventonan agradabel pa un y tur. Pa mas informacion [email protected]

In 2019, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is celebrating its 100th anniversary. To commemorate this centenary milestone, the IAU has organized a year-long celebration (IAU100) to increase awareness of a century of astronomical discoveries and to support the use of astronomy as a tool for education, development and diplomacy under the central theme “Under One Sky”. The goals of the IAU100 include increased awareness of progress and excitement in astronomy over the past century, to support and improve an inclusive, egalitarian and diverse astronomy community, and to increase awareness of exciting developments in the next 100 years of astronomy. Throughout 2019, thousands of activities for IAU100 are taking place at local, regional, national and global scales in over 100 countries.

This is an overview of the last 100 years of astronomy and its implications for society-at-large.

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