
BNA – Biblioteca Nacional Aruba

Nos ta contento cu cada miembro nobo. Y nos ta duna cada miembro nobo un recorido den biblioteca. Nos kier haci biblioteca su facilidad y coleccion mas accesibel posibel. Miembresia ta gratis pa mucha y pa hoben (tur bou 18 aña) y 5 florin pa adulto. Pa bira miembro bo ta trece un I.D. valido. Pa registra un mucha, e mayor  ta trece un carchi AZV.

Biblioteca banda di ofrece un coleccion amplio di buki di diferente genero, autor y topico, tambe ta organisa actividad informativo pa un y tur. Esakinan ta riba nos Event calendar.


Nos kier percura pa nos miembronan sinti nan mes na cas y cu nan por haya locual nan ta busca cada bes nan bishita biblioteca. Pa e motibo aki, nos ta duna nos miembronan nobo un recorido di e biblioteca. Banda di e recorido, tambe nos ta duna instruccion con pa traha cu nos catalogo online pa busca informacion y recomendacion di buki na un forma mas efectivo. Nos ta duna recorido na nos usuarionan individualmente, pero tambe nos ta duna recorido na grupo. Nos ta recomenda pa haci un cita na momento di planea un recorido pa grupo.

Our folder in Papiamento

Flyer on membership and services:

Interested in applying for your library card? Great! The annual membership fee for adults is Afl. 5,-. Below you will find information about how to become a member, subscription fees and rules. Please bring along a valid identification card (Cedula, Driver’s license or passport) and address identification to register. Parents please bring your child’s AZV card. Please present an original identification, copies are not accepted.

Annual subscription rates:
Children [0-12 years] Afl. 0,-, Teens [13-17 years] Afl. 0,-, Adults [18+] Afl. 5,-. You will receive a personal library card after registration and payment.

Trainees and visitors on the Island pay a deposit in addition to the membership fee. The deposit is USD 50,- or Afl. 100,-. When you cancel your membership and return your membership card and all books, the deposit will be returned.


1• Kids can have two library cards. 2• Children can borrow 3 books for one month on one library card.


1• Teenagers can buy up to 2 library cards. 2• With a Teen library card four books can be borrowed for four weeks. Among the four books a maximum of three children books.


1• Adults can buy up to three cards and one child subscription. 2• Adults can check out four books for four weeks.

The date on which the books have to be returned will be stamped on a bookmark. Please call for an extension # 528 1522.

Extension by telephone
It is possible to request an extension by phone, in case you would like to keep the books a little longer. Extension by telephone is only possible before or on the expire date. Please call the following numbers during our opening hours: 528 1523 or 528 1522 (San Nicolas # 528 1586). Or email us at [email protected]. Books, of which the expiration date has passed, cannot be extended.

Members can put a hold on books for free, maximum is three books. You can also do this through the website (your account on Worldcat).

Please return the books on time, or extend by phone. Or through your account on Worldcat.

Loss of membership card
Every member of the library is responsible for his/her own membership card. If you lose your membership card, please inform us immediately, so the card can be blocked. We charge for duplicates. Duplicate library cards: Kids and teenagers: Afl. 5,-, Adults Afl. 10,-

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